Sunday 29 October 2017

Back to the Brushes 141

So what has been happening here? Well, truthfully not really that much on the hobby front,  a lot of thinking about things and talk about painting but little direct action. It is all a question of time really, so when a window opened the other night the following appeared.

The orcs are just for the fun of it and why not? Avoiding the bright green flesh used for so many orcs and looking for a more strained and washed out colour picked Soviet Winter Green from Foundry's now discontinued range of WW2 colours. The figure second from the left has the full triad showing from shade to base to highlight. Fun to paint these guys regardless of colours.

Next up is a Citadel High Elf from circa 1984 and the C08 range. Touched up the undercoat for this one and have some thoughts on this figure being in autumnal colours to suit the changing to the season here with the base showing the change of the seasons too.

For all that this figure is the best part of thirty-three years old, she is in good condition after being stripped from an old oil and enamel painting job and then again from acrylics. Somewhere there is a duplicate figure so might paint them as an autumn spring pair but will think on that.

Since both pictures are retro based here is a bit of Bowie

There will be something finished next post.

Cheers for now


Michael Awdry said...

Loving the look of those Orks.

caveadsum1471 said...

What better reason than just for fun! I can't face stripping my fiend factory /adventurers from the early eighties, some of them are terrible but I've got tons of new ones, I'm just rebasing them for frostgrave, nice to use them again.
Best Iain